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Hello fellow nihonto enthusiasts and beginners! If you are looking for a good introduction to nihonto or simply lack one of the following books, please make sure to locate a copy for your personal library! All credits to Dan Kedzie for assembling this list.
Books for beginners – the format is as follows: Book Title, Author, Publication Date, Book format (hardcover or paperback), Place to be found and associated cost to order.
The Samurai Sword by John Yumoto, 1958, Paperback – Amazon
Study of Japanese Swords by Yurie Endo Halchak, 2021, Paperback – Amazon
The Craft of the Japanese Sword by Leon Kapp, Hiroko Kapp, Yoshido Yoshihara, and
Tom Kishida, 1987, Hardcover – Amazon
The Connoisseur's Book of Japanese Swords by Nakayama Kokan. Translated by Kenji
Mishina, 1998, Hardcover – Amazon
Facts and Fundamentals of Japanese Swords: A Collector's Guide by Nobuo Nakahara,
Hardcover -
The Japanese Sword by Kanzan Sato and Joe Earle, 1983, Used hardcover, Biblio